Privacy policy

Website privacy policy The Bradery

Update : June 2024

Protecting your privacy is one of our top priorities. On our website
(the " website ") and our mobile application (the " Application ") we apply this privacy policy
(" Privacy Policy "). This enables us to inform you about the use and protection of your
your data.
For the purposes of the Privacy Policy, the term " Personal Data " or " Data "
means any information that identifies you directly or indirectly, in particular from the terminal you
that you use, i.e. your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.
By using our Site and Application, you acknowledge that you have read our Privacy
Privacy Policy. In the event of a change in the conditions under which your data is processed, we will update our
Privacy Policy and will inform you accordingly.


Table of contents 


1. Data controller

2. What data may we process?

3. Why and how do we process your Data? 

4. Who will receive your Data? 

5. Transfer of your Data outside the European Union 

6. What are your rights and how can you exercise them? 

7. Managing cookies, SDKs and other tracers. 

1. Data controller


The company SYMMETRIC, known under the trade name THE BRADERY, SAS with capital of 1,395.60 euros, having its registered office at
head office is located at 23 rue du mail - 75002 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies
under number 839 442 258 (" The Bradery ", "we", "us") is responsible for processing the Personal Data
Personal Data concerning you, under the conditions described in this Privacy Policy.

Given the nature of our business and in accordance with regulations, we have not appointed a Data Protection Officer.
Data Protection Officer. However, our employees are trained and made aware of the regulations
and are at your disposal should you have any questions or requests. You can contact
contact us by e-mail atadresse or by post at The Bradery - RGPD, 23 rue du mail - 75002 Paris.


2. What data may we process?


When you use our Site or Application, we may collect the following categories of
Data about you:

- Civil status and identity (e.g. : contact details);

- Data relating to customer relations (e.g. orders placed; communication preferences ; use of the sponsorship system);

- Economic and financial data (e.g. order amounts, means of payment used) ;

- Connection data and data relating to your behaviour on the Site and the Application (e.g. language chosen);
- Location data (e.g. country of connection to the Site);

- Data that you freely communicate to us.

When data is collected via forms, we indicate its mandatory nature with an asterisk.

3. Why and how do we process your Data?


We collect and process your Data for a number of purposes, which are described below.

a) creating and managing your member account
b) managing customer relations
c) managing customer satisfaction
d) managing your requests
e) setting up and running the sponsorship program
f) preventing and combating fraud and managing overdue payments
g) security, operation and improvement of the Site and Application
h) display of advertising
i) sending of commercial communications
j) participation in competitions
k) use of social networks
l) applications
m) exercising your rights


a) Creating and managing your member account


We process your Data in order to enable you to create a member account on the Site and
the Application and to manage this account.
This processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests which consist in providing you with a personal space
enabling you to order the products and services offered for sale on the Site and the Application.

With the exception of data relating to orders you have placed from your
member account (see b) Customer relationship management), your data will be kept until you delete your
account. If your account is inactive for 2 years, we will delete it in accordance with the
recommendations of the CNIL. We may inform you in advance so that you can let us know
if you wish to keep your member account.


b) Customer relationship management


We process your Data in order to carry out all operations relating to the management and administration of our business.

customer relations. When you place an order on the Site or the Application, we process your
Data in order to check that the order has been paid for, prepare it, deliver it, provide after-sales service, manage
your complaints and exercise your right of withdrawal where applicable. Where your order relates to
travel offers, our partners will be responsible for fulfilling your orders and are responsible
for processing your Data for this purpose.
This processing is necessary for the performance of the contract concluded with us (our GTC).
We also process your Data in order to carry out statistics and analyses with a view to identifying
sales performance and improving our knowledge of our customers. This processing is based on our legitimate
interests, which consist in optimizing our product and service offering
Your Data is kept for the duration of our contractual relationship. At the end of our contractual
relationship, we may keep the Data that is necessary to assert a right or defend our
interests for the statutory limitation period of 5 years.
The Data processed in order to carry out analyses and statistics is kept for the duration
necessary to achieve the objective pursued by the analyses and statistics, unless you object
before the end of this period.
Accounting data and supporting documents are also archived for a period of 10 years from
the financial year to which they relate, for purposes of accounting proof.
Your banking data is processed by our payment service providers, who manage payments on the
Site and Application. In accordance with CNIL regulations and recommendations, they may be
stored by these service providers in encrypted and secure form for a period of 13 months following the date of
debit (15 months in the case of payment by deferred debit cards) for the purposes of proof in the event of any dispute
of the transaction, where such storage is necessary for the management of any claims by
payment card holders. In particular, this makes it possible to reimburse your order if
you exercise your right of withdrawal. The cryptogram of your bank card is never kept.
On the Application, we offer you the possibility of registering your bank card in order to facilitate the payment of your
subsequent orders. Your credit card will only be stored if you have given your consent. Once again, your Data is processed by
, our payment service providers. Your Data will be
deleted as soon as you withdraw your consent or when your credit card expires.
The data required to implement conformity guarantees for products ordered on the
site and the Application are deleted at the end of the applicable legal deadlines.
Lastly, the data required to manage pre-litigation and litigation is deleted once the
procedure has been definitively closed, except for data required to establish a legal claim (e.g.
settlement agreement), which must be retained.


c) Customer satisfaction management

We process your Data when you provide us with opinions on our products and
services through surveys or polls that we organize.
This processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, which consist in improving our knowledge of our
customers and optimizing our product and service offering in line with our customers' expectations.
Your Data is kept for a maximum of 3 years from the date of the survey or

d) Handling your requests


We provide several ways for you to send us your requests or questions (email,
chatbot, social networks, etc.).
On this occasion, we process your Data in a way that is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests
to offer you a personalized consumer experience and to create or enrich our relationship
with you.
When you are a customer of The Bradery, your Data is kept for the duration of our contractual relationship.
contractual relationship.
When you are a prospect of The Bradey, your Data is kept for 3 years from the last contact you had with us. contact you had with us.


e) Setting up and running the sponsorship program


We have set up a sponsorship program that enables sponsors and sponsored customers to benefit from
promotional advantages. Participation in the sponsorship program is not compulsory, but is the result of an active
approach on the part of sponsors and sponsored parties.
The management of this sponsorship program entails the processing of the Data of sponsors and sponsored parties, which
is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests consisting in setting up marketing operations to
promote our business. 


f) Preventing and combating fraud and managing overdue payments


We process your Data for the purposes of preventing and combating fraud and managing unpaid
This processing is based on our legitimate interests, which consist in verifying the authenticity of transactions and
collecting our receivables.
Data processed for the purposes of fraud prevention and combating fraud are kept for as long as
the member account is active. Data processed for the purpose of managing unpaid invoices is
retained until the debt has been recovered.

g) Security, operation and improvement of the Site and Application


When you access and browse the Site and the Application, we may process your Data in order to
data in order to prevent and detect security incidents on the Site and the Application, to customize
the display of the Site and the Application, and to measure visitor numbers in order to optimize the Site and the
the Application and improve their functionality.
This processing is based either on your consent, or on our legitimate interests, which consist in offering you a secure, personalized and optimal experience of the Site and Application.
personalized and optimal experience of the Site and the Application.
Some of your Data may be collected via cookies.
When collected via cookies, Data is kept for a maximum period of 25
months from the date of collection.


h) Display ads


When you accept advertising cookies, we may process your Data in order to display on the Site and

the Application or on third-party sites personalized advertising concerning our products and services or those of
brands with which we work. Personalized advertising enables us to offer you
content tailored to your profile and interests. To this end, we also process your
Data for profiling purposes in order to create audience categories (people with the same profile or the same
centers of interest are brought together in the same group).
These Data processing operations are based on your consent to cookies and, in the case of profiling, on our
legitimate interests consisting in offering personalized content to Internet users who so wish.
Your Data is kept for a maximum period of twenty-five months.
We also process Data in order to carry out statistics and analyses relating to
advertising performance. Some of the Data may be shared with the brands for which
we display advertising so that they can verify the performance of their advertising. This processing is
based on our legitimate interests, which consist in assessing the relevance of the advertisements we display and
improving them in relation to web users' expectations.
The Data processed in this context is kept for a maximum of 3 years from the date it is


i) Sending commercial communications


 We process your Data in order to send you commercial communications by email
(such as information on our current sales or coming soon, newsletter).
This processing may be based on your consent or on our legitimate interests in application of article L34-5
of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code. In this case, you may object at any time
by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in each email.
Certain communications may be personalized according to your profile and interests. To
this, we process your Data for profiling purposes in order to create audience categories
(people with the same profile or interests are brought together in the same group).
This processing is based on our legitimate interests in adapting our communications to the expectations of our
members. You may object at any time.
We also process Data in order to produce statistics and analyses relating to
the performance of our communications (e.g. email opening rate, click rate on redirection links, email reading time). This processing is based on our legitimate interests, which consist in assessing the relevance of our
commercial communications and improving them in line with Internet users' expectations.
Your Data is kept for 3 years from the last contact we had with you.
If you unsubscribe from our mailing list, you will no longer receive our commercial communications.


j) Participation in competitions


We regularly organize contests that allow participants to try their luck at winning
We carry out processing relating to the Data of participants and winners which is necessary for the purposes of
our legitimate interests consisting of organizing competitions, managing participation in these competitions and delivering the
Data is kept for the duration of the competition and the time required to distribute the prizes to the
winners and until the end of the complaint period when we set one up. Certain Data relating
to the winners may be kept to assert a right or defend our interests during the
5-year legal prescription period.
k)Use of social networks
We have pages on social networks (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, X, Tiktok).
You can access these pages from your search engine. You can also click on the
buttons of these social networks on the Site and Application.
Consultation of our social network pages and your interactions with our publications may result in
processing of your Data in accordance with what is specified in d) Management of your requests. We
inform you that social networks will also process your Data, in particular when you
access our pages using the buttons on these social networks. To find out more, we invite you to
consult their privacy policy.
In addition, your Data is processed jointly with the social networks concerned for the purpose
of compiling statistics on the interactions carried out on these pages, with the social networks assuming
main responsibility for this processing
. This processing is based on our legitimate interests, which consist in using the existing communication tools
in order to promote our business, to offer you a personalized experience and to create or enrich our relationship
with you.
Your Data is kept for as long as your user account on the relevant social network is active, unless
you exercise your right to object or your right to erasure with the social network.


When you send us an unsolicited application or reply to one of our job offers, we process
your Data for the purposes of managing your application.
This processing is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures.
Your Data is deleted after a period of one year from the date of collection.


m) Exercising your rights

We process your Data when you exercise one of the rights you have in relation to your Data.
This processing is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations.
Your Data will be kept until the final processing of your request to exercise your rights. Data
whose retention is necessary to demonstrate compliance with our legal obligations may be retained
for the duration of the 5-year legal statute of limitations starting from the date on which your request is granted
your request or the date on which we refused your request.


 4. Who will receive your Data


Your Data may be communicated to various recipients.
The recipients of your Personal Data are as follows:

  • Our authorized personnel when their duties justify access to Data 

  • Our subcontractors, who assist us in providing you with our services by taking charge, under our control and instructions, of all or part of the operations involved in processing your Data.

    In particular, we use subcontractors for:

    -Hosting the Site and Application;
    -Managing payment services;
    -Using software to facilitate our business (customer service, accounting, CRM tool, etc.); -Storing, preparing, delivering our products and managing returns on these products; -Displaying personalized advertising; -Managing the deposit of cookies; -Managing the deposit of cookies.);
    -The storage, preparation and delivery of our products and the management of product returns;
    -The display of personalized advertising;
    -The management of cookie deposits;
    -The management of job applications via recruitment platforms.

  • To third parties who do not act as subcontractors but carry out processing in their name and on their behalf, namely:

    -To administrative, financial or judicial authorities whose missions justify access to data;

    -To entities whose access to data is justified (e.g. entities involved in audits, lawyers, chartered accountants, etc.).);

    -To banking institutions in order to process the payment of your orders;

    -To carriers for the delivery of your orders;

- To our commercial partners such as travel suppliers, multi-payment services, brands when they ensure the shipment of products you have ordered, brands with which we organize co-branded competitions;

-To advertising agencies and advertisers involved in the distribution of personalized advertising.


We may also sell or transfer all or part of our business or assets, for example in
the context of a merger or sale. Operations of this nature may legitimately require
prior auditing by professionals, and the implementation of appropriate guarantees and security measures
to ensure the confidentiality of the Data to which they have access. In the event of
actually carrying out a transfer or sale of our assets containing your Data, we
will implement information procedures to ensure that you can exercise your rights to
your Data.

5. Transfer of your Data outside the European Union. 


Data may be transmitted to recipients located in countries outside the European Union, with a level of protection different from that of the European Union. In this case, we contractually require these recipients to implement the measures
required to ensure the same level of protection as that required by European regulations on personal data. 


 6. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, you may exercise the following rights with The Bradery :

Access your Data, request its rectification or portability;
-Request the deletion of your account and your Data;
-Withdraw your consent for the future, for all or part of the processing concerned;
-Oppose the processing of your Data or request its limitation;
-You also have the right to formulate directives concerning the retention, deletion and
communication of your Data after your death.

You can exercise your requests for access and deletion by sending us an email toadresse and specifying:

-Your surname, first name, adresse email;
-The subject of your request;
-Theadresse address to which you would like a reply;
We may also ask you to provide proof of identity.


7. Managing cookies, SDKs and other tracers


 We use Cookies, SDKs and other tags on the Site and Application (together referred to as " cookies "). The Cookies are installed by us ("first party" cookies). first party "cookies) or issued by our partners ( " th
ird party ").
There are several types of cookie, each serving a different purpose :

Necessary functional cookies These are cookies that enable us to operate the Site, use our Site's services services on our Site, to store information entered on our Site (for example, access to your account or
account or shopping cart contents) and secure your transaction;

Personalization cookies These cookies enable you to benefit from a personalized browsing experience
browsing experience. They enable us to personalize the Site's display according to
products and services you have previously consulted, and thus to adjust the content displayed to your
centers of interest ;

Advertising cookies These cookies enable us and our partners (e.g. social networks) to offer you personalized advertising.
(e.g. social networks) to offer you personalized advertising tailored to your interests and profile, in real-time
in real time, as you browse the Internet and social networks. They also enable us to diversify
the advertisements sent to you. If you choose no, you'll still receive ads, but they won't be personalized to your interests.
will not be personalized according to your profile.

Analytical cookies These cookies are used to analyze browsing patterns in order to measure the audience for the site and its services.
the audience for the site and the services and products offered, to carry out studies and analyses on our customers and to
improve the Site and its appeal. These cookies enable us to track volumes, traffic and
and to measure the performance of the Site (for example, to know which private sales attract the most
members, the most popular products, etc.).

Geolocation These are cookies that enable us to know your location when you connect to the site and validate your order.
order validation, enabling us and our partners to send you targeted advertising,
tailored to your location.
We invite you to consult our partners' policies on cookies and personal data,
on their respective websites.
You have control over cookies (except for necessary functional cookies). When you register, you have
the option of accepting or rejecting advertising, analytical, personalization and geolocation cookies. By
in accordance with the law, we periodically collect your consent to cookies (excluding the necessary
(excluding necessary functional cookies).
You can also set your cookie preferences at any time directly on the tool
tool on the Site.

You can also set your cookie preferences via your browser : You will find below the different ways of managing your cookies depending on your browser software. The configuration of each
described in your browser's help menu. Here are a few examples :


  • For Internet Explorer

™ :


In the Internet Explorer menu, go to "Internet Options";
In the "Privacy" tab, click on the "Advanced" button;
Tick the "Ignore automatic cookie handling" box;

Then select: "Accept" for internal cookies, and "Reject" for third-party cookies;
Save changes by clicking "OK".


  • For Safari

™: htttp://


In the Safari menu, select "Preferences";
Go to the "Security" tab;
Under "Accept cookies", select "Only from sites I visit".


  • For Chrome

™ :


In the Chrome menu, select "Settings";
Click on "Show advanced settings";
Go to the "Privacy" paragraph;
Click on the "Content settings" tab;
In the "Cookies" paragraph (first paragraph) check the "Block cookies and third-party site data" box;
Save changes by clicking on "OK


  • For Firefox

™ : 


On the Firefox home page, click on the "Settings" tab;
Select the "Privacy" table;
In the "History" area, for the "Retention rules" option, select "Use
personality settings for history";
On the "Accept third-party cookies" drop-down bar, select "Never";
Save changes by clicking on "OK".

For other browsers and mobile devices, please visit the official web page
of the browser or device manufacturer or consult the documentation provided.
For more information on cookies and trackers: